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The Dream Merchant Network
We are in the business of helping you manifest your dreams.
The ART of manifesting the life of your dreams.
Everyone wants to live a life filled with purpose and joy. Yet, daily, things seem to get in our way. With remarkable clarity and consistency this book helps YOU get out of your own way. The book will:
Access the greatest resource available
Open your eyes to the tremendous power and personal resources that you have the ability to acknowledge and access at will
Permission to explore the possibilities
Reveal the hidden truth: every goal and dream that you have is possible and attainable if you are willing to tap into your own resourcefulness
STOP Making This S#!T So Hard: Discovering a Purposeful Life
Achieve the rewards of living an intentional life.
What Are They Saying?
Paul Thompson is a master student and teach of spiritual and universal law. Paul bring a clarity and practicality that leads to life-changing illumination!
Paul has been mentoring me for the last 14 years and it still amazes me that after all of these years and during our sessions, I still embark upon a new discovery about myself and my relationship to the self and to others. The information in this book is such that you can read it over and over again and may come out with something new each time. My life has not been the same since our initial meeting and me allowing myself to be open to the process. It has been a road of growth and development beyond the basic textbook definition. This information does deep and allows you to focus on who you truly are who want to be. As you read this book, I would suggest that you be open to the information and open to the process! --
I look forward to purchasing your new book. The bi-weekly lessons have been so enlightening. I recall the five types of income. I never knew that our system is really designed to keep some poor for life. I got clarity between residual and leverage income. Also, everything is spiritual energy. My prayer is for so many to receive Paul's teachings as I have.
When Paul Thompson speaks, he reaches into the heart & soul of your being. With his deeper insight & understanding of a matter or thought, his responses need to be not only heard, but to be reflected upon. It not only makes you think, but requires you to stop to fully dissect all of what was spoken.
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